
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Glendale Valley School Board Fires Principal Kerrigan

The fallout over a rude question by a Glendale Valley student at a townhall event for student journalists by presidential candidate and Congressman Jack Kimble (CA-54) has resulted in the termination of Glendale Valley High School principal Jerry Kerrigan. The school board voted last night to remove the school's principal for the last 18 years by a 7-2 vote.

At a November 23rd event at the Congressman's Rancho Podrido office, 18 year old Ryan Cruz of Glendale Valley asked the Congressman, "If you manage to pull out the election with your conservative social views, do you think you will have a man date?"

Congressman Kimble was clearly taken off guard by the inappropriate question and after chiding he student for degrading the dignity of the event by asking such a question then had the student removed from the event. In a statement later that day Jack Kimble said, "It is a real shame to see the moral decline of our youth. I have prided myself on my work with Last Stand for Children First to improve education across the country. Today, I have decided to redouble my efforts. A student does not become that perverted on their own. I place a lot of the blame on the school and I will be asking them to discipline Mister Cruz to the full extent of their ability."

Principal Kerrigan claimed the entire incident was a misunderstanding, saying a mandate was "something every politician wanted." He further refused to suspend the student in question who he called a "fine young man."

The school board was quick in their reaction, Board President Susan Olmeier called the vulgar question "an embarrassment to our school and an affront to our heterosexual abstinence only sex education program as well as a stain on the character of our school."

[Reprinted from the Oakdale Value Shopper with permission]

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Congressman Kimble Protects Americans with Patti's Law

Protecting our nation has been a priority of Jack Kimble since his election to Congress in 2006. With terrorism threatening to bring America to it's knees at any moment, Jack Kimble has team with South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, which will change the treatment of terrorism suspects and suspected terrorism suspects by declaring the entire country a battlefield.

"Both Senator Graham and myself deeply love this country. It is a well known fact that love is a battlefield. Therefore, it is only logical that the country become a battlefield. For the average American, they will notice very little change, but for those considering terrorist acts against us, they will take notice. As a nation, we are young, but we are also strong. Our cause is just and we stand as a beacon of freedom. No one can tell us we're wrong. Patti's Law will protect our citizens from the scourge of terrorism and I will be urging my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass it. We are open to all concerns, but we will make no promises nor will we accept any demands."

Currently, Patti's Law or SB 867 as it is now known, has cleared the Senate, but needs to pass the House in order to reach the President's desk. Please call your Representative and let him know you support Patti's Law.