
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Real History of Labor in the United States

Recently, it came to my attention that Chicago Teachers Union Boss Karen Lewis had made some extremely disturbing comments about labor history.  Here they are, but I warn you they're not for the faint of heart:
”The labor leaders of that time, though, were ready to kill. They were. They were just - off with their heads. They were seriously talking about that.“I don’t think we’re at that point. The key is that they think nothing of killing us. They think nothing about putting us in harm’s way. They think nothing about lethal working conditions.”
As you can see, she's practically calling for workers to rise up and kill everybody making more money them.   No less an authority than Michelle Malkin called Karen Lewis "Chicago thuggery personified."

Still, my complaint isn't that Karen Lewis is inciting violence, but that she was speaking at a labor history conference and acting like labor history was all about violent confrontations between labor and management.   Could anything be further from the truth?   Sure, there were violent trade unionists, but that was mostly from agitators and communists.  I believe a better depiction of labor history in our country comes from this 10 minute video that was made by the National Association of Manufacturers in 1940.

This is the type of employee/ worker relationship that I grew up with.   Workers would help companies and the companies would help their employees.  When employees wanted more money, they simply asked for it and if it wasn't too unreasonable, the employer gave it to them.  Even more, sometimes productivity grew enough the employers could give benefits or shorter work schedules for their workers.  That's the spirit that built America.

My grandfather was a friend to workers and businesses alike.  When there was a strike, some of his buddies and him would head down to the picket line and they could usually be counted on to break up a work action almost immediately.  Workers respected them and if they didn't, they were probably communists anyway.

Please don't be fooled by tearer downers like Karen Lewis.  I wonder why people like that always want to stir up trouble.  The video talks about man named Manson who had a dream.  I think we need to ask ourselves, do we want to follow Karen Lewis's dream or Manson's?  I for one am following Manson.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Help Congressman Kimble with Hazing and Win a Free Copy of his eBook

Friends, I have the best job in the world.  Speaker Boehner has once again appointed me as Pledge Chairman and I am tasked with putting the GOP House Freshmen through their paces.  Through heavy drinking, indoctrination, and embarrassment I will be leading the freshmen to better unity and friendships that they will treasure for their whole lives.  There is something truly special about Congressmen in their boxer shorts on the Capitol steps at 4 in the morning having to recite passages out of Atlas Shrugged. 

The problem is how do you embarrass some of these people?   Seriously, how does one embarrass someone like Kerry Bentivolio?  What I am asking for you is your best idea to haze the freshman class.  You can post it on here, on twitter with hashtag #GOPPledgeChair, or on my Facebook page.  

The best entry before Hellweek starts January 14th will win a free copy of Profiles in Courageousness (Link at side of page--buy lots).  I can give you a free copy of the eBook in Kindle, Nook, or other format including PDF if you're not eBook savvy. 

Jack Kimble Named House GOP Pledge Chairman

In a highly anticipated move, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) named 3 term Representative Jack Kimble (R-CA) as the GOP pledge chairman for the 113th Congress. Kimble was Pledge Chairman for the very large 2010 freshman class and he is poised to make a return to the job this term.  

"A lot of times, people look at pledging as a time of heavy binge drinking while being quizzed on Atlas Shrugs, but the truth is, it's also a time where Representatives bond together. If we're to come together as one party, those nights spent out on the lawn in your boxer shorts with your face painted Republican red are important," said Kimble who will be responsible for hazing and educating the female freshmen as well as Jean Schmid of Ohio will not be returning to Congress.

"People wondered why we always were always voting no.  That took a  lot of practice and at least as far as the freshmen are concerned, it's something I take a lot of pride in," said Kimble.

The tradition of pledging new freshmen goes back over 100 years, but really came to the fore under former House Speaker Dennis Hastert who is said to have wrestled every single member elected to Congress for the first time during his tenure. Under Speaker Pelosi, the tradition waned a bit, but Congressman Kimble is aiming to make this a pledge class to remember.

"I felt a bit disappointed that I missed out on Hastert, but there are some old traditions that we have to follow. I've had my staff calling liquor stores, thrift shops, and petting zoos to get everything we need together. A lot of what we do is secret to outsiders, but if you watch C-Span don't be surprised to see a Congressman dressed at Hulk Hogan or Little Bo Peep or a group of freshmen addressing the floor and then singing a Rick Astley song. It'll be a lot of fun for us."

Introducing Kimble as Rush Chairman during a dinner in Statuary Hall in the Capitol, Boehner said through tear-stained eyes that the GOP faces "an epic challenge for the House to stay united.  Sandy will not be the last natural disaster and saying no remains staying united. Fortunately, this is no ordinary freshman class. I feel very confident putting them in the capable hands of Congressman Kimble and look forward to having the freshman serve us at parties throughout the year."