
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nervous About Fox 15

The interview has already been taped and Linda Ellard is not only extremely nice, she's a news babe with a capital B. I think I did a nice job stating the reasons why nursing home staff should be armed in the event that al-qaeda tries to get to us through our seniors.

The problem is that I have never really sought the limelight. I haven't been on television that many times and that disastrous appearance on Washington Journal in defense of my bill to extend concealed carry rights to high school and middle school students who had at least a B average and had otherwise qualified to carry a gun did not go over very well with the Eastern elite. I guess I'm lucky that this is a local broadcast. I bet it still gets more viewers than C-Span.

I'm off to bed. That's part of being a responsible public servant. I've been on break for 2 days so far and I still haven't gotten to have any real fun yet.


  1. Mexico is where you're supposed to go for Spring Break congressman. Call it a fact finding mission and you have an all expenses paid par-tee!

    What are your feelings about GOP Leader Limbaugh?

  2. Congressman, what district do you represent? I can't find you in the current web sites for the House of Representatives.

  3. Limbaugh is a great man and an amazing speaker. I have taken the oath of fealty to him and I simply await Rush's instructions. I like to think anytime that I am serving the people of my district I am acting in his name.

    Vast - I represent the Fulton - Barksdale corridor with just a small sliver of Blake County, but although I bring home the bacon for my district, I really believe I serve the entire country. We've been having some issues with my official site, but it should be up soon. Somebody was using my account to access porn sites so we had to take it down to avoid any hint of scandal.
