
Monday, April 6, 2009

Representative Kimble Breaks Ground on G.I. to Greeter Center

I have to give a lot of credit to the good folks of my district, especially in Greenview. While a lot of people love to whine and complain about the high cost of medical care for seniors and the way the stock market collapse hurt a lot of people on fixed incomes, the people of Greenview have done something about it. Using stimulus funds, that I helped push hard to get for us, the volunteers at the Greenview Senior Center invited me to help break ground today on the new GIs to Greeters Center. The program is designed to give retired veterans the training necessary to become Walmart Greeters. Best of all, the program is not limited to veterans.

The idea is the brainchild of Roger Wainwright who was decorated for his service in Korea and was interested in a job at the local Walmart, but lacked any experience. Roger and his wife Betty were gracious hosts and for a man of his age, Roger can still swing quite a shovel.


  1. Yeah, hypocrite that you are.. pushed hard for those stimulus funds but couldn't vote for them. That's a great way to be there Mr. Republican. Bring those dollars home, take credit for them, but call Pres. Obama a socialist for trying to help the economy, while you take credit for the dollars and vote against it. I call hypocrisy.

  2. If the money hadn't gone to helping our brave fighting men learn to become Walmart greeters I can guarantee you the Democrats would have put it into pork. That Nancy Pelosi is a mean one and when she stares at you with those cold dead eyes, well you just wilt.

  3. That's it ? that is what you are giving back to the Military ? a Greeting Center ? please tell me this is a joke ? ( the photo looks like it was taken in 1969.....btw I did notice not a single shovel broke ground that says everything). There should be bags of Manure in the photo- that would be more accurate....and seriously are you offering or encouraging VETS to be Walmart Greeters ? Why ? Don't they deserve MORE ? Better ?

    Our Brave Men and Women and their families deserve more than a "Greeting Center"...basically a Construction Project for a Crony Buddy ?- they need Medical Care and Support, PTSD Research and Support, their children need Counseling, and they need jobs so they can stay in their homes when they return. ( and btw do check on the number of military families in your area that are on food stamps- it will shock you ).

    And for the Record President Obama WON the Election, and your job is to support him because the voters did decide overwhelmingly that he is our Leader. Americans are pretty sick of the GOP and their Obstruction Tactics.....Regime Change has come to America, and there is much mess to clean up after 8 Long years of Bush and Repug Leadership.....

  4. Congressman Kimble:

    Congratulations on the new GI to Greeter Center in your district. I'm glad there is enough of a call for Walmart greeters that it constitutes the necessity of bulding a training facility to handle such a large demand. And here I thought that Walmart greeters simply stood by the door and "greeted" you as you arrived and bid you farewell as you exited with occasional directions to the knick-knack aisles when asked. How silly am I? Our seniors, especially our retired GIs need help finding work these days what with the economy being what it is these last couple of years.

    I find it rather incredulous however, that you are touting "stimulus funds, that I helped push hard to get for us" when not a single Republican in the House voted in favor of the stimulus bill. Not one. How do you account for this? How do you stand in front of the "GI to Greeter Center" participarting in a ground breaking ceremony with a smile on your face and a shovel in your hand, shaking the hands with your constituents and taking credit for bringing home the bacon when you had absolutely no effect on the passage of the stimulus bill? How can you take credit for something you voted against? Had Republicans been successful in blocking the passage of this bill, you wouldn't have had the opportunity for your shovel ready photo-op. What would you have said to Mr. Roger Waitwright then?

    I hope the citizens of your district take great advantage of the the stimulus money passed by Congress in the hopes of jumpstarting the economy and eventually realize that you had absolutely nothing to do with it.

  5. I make no apologies for standing up to President Obama's creeping socialism. This is our greatest generation and if we can't help them get the skills needed to land the job they want, we have failed as a country.

  6. Wait a sec---is this a belated April Fools' Day JOKE?
