
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Representative Kimble on Gay Marriage

Friends, it is with great sadness I report that the Vermont legislature has chosen to override Governor Douglas's veto and allow same sex marriage. For shame Vermont. As a member of the House of Representatives, I can confidently say that it is the responsibility of the members of any duly elected legislature to give their full support to their executive regardless of political affiliation. Overriding a veto is something that should be done only in cases of extreme need.

I believe gay marriage is something that should be discussed on a state by state matter and as such I urge all readers to join the fight against gay marriage in their state and to send money to put a Constitutional amendment on the ballot in Vermont.

I want to make it perfectly clear that I have nothing against homosexuals. I simply wish to protect our children from their wanton lifestyle and have the right not to have to live near, sell to, or speak to homosexuals. I would also like to assure that no heterosexuals are discriminated against in traditionally homosexual fields like hair design, fashion, and jazz dance.


  1. The word of God should never be legislated. It's sad that a group of people feel it's necessary to force their religious dogma onto others in a nation that is founded on the Freedom of and from religion. It amazes me as to how many people in congress and in the Republican party seem to ignore that part of the constitution.

  2. I'd also like to understand how you expect to ensure that

    "I simply wish to protect our children from their wanton lifestyle and have the right not to have to live near, sell to, or speak to homosexuals."

    There is no way to physically tell a homosexual from a heterosexual. Are you trying to suggest that homosexuals should be labeled in some way so that they can be easily identified? Maybe make them were some sort of patch on the clothes or have them tattooed?
