
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jack Kimble Releases Statement on Glendale Valley Townhall

There are no easy words to sum up the events at last evening's disastrous town hall on the budget and the national debt crisis. It was clear from the opening moments of this town hall that the crowd was contentious. I will be asking that appropriate law enforcement individuals look into the possibility that the crowd was stirred up by Democrat operatives in the crowd. There can, however be no doubt that mistakes were made.

At last year's town hall event in Rancho Podrido I had hired Hell's Angels to serve as security without incident. I attempted to hire their services again and in retrospect, it seemed to be a big mistake. If anything they seemed to make the situation more volatile and not less so. It became clear to me that things had gotten out of hand when a woman charged the stage and hit me cleanly across the bridge of my nose with her cane. She was forcibly removed from the town hall and I will be sure that she will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Things escalated from there. I saw several members of the unruly mob agitate the Hell's Angels by deliberately plowing into them with their mobility scooters. Finally, when an Oakdale man charged the stage with a walker, he was tackled by one of the Hell's Angels and the situation had clearly become untenable. I ended the town hall at that point and exited out a back door. Reports, that I had used an elderly woman as a human shield by pushing her into the angry crowd are totally and completely fabricated. It is my belief that many of the seniors are strongly supportive of the Ryan budget and it was only a few bad apples who caused the problems. I will no longer be employing the Hell's Angels as security at my town halls.

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