
Friday, July 8, 2011

Congressman Kimble Makes History with First Ever Twitter Town Hall

On next Tuesday, July 12th and 8PM Eastern Standard Time, Congressman Jack Kimble will be making history by taking part in the first ever Twitter Town Hall. This town hall will be hosted by Fox Action 15's Dirk Thunderstone and will give actual Twitter users a chance to ask Congressman Kimble questions about the House of Representatives and his current campaign for President of these United States.

For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter, Twitter users or Tweeterers as they are known are able to communicate on their computers by typing messages to each other or tweets, which are like emails, but limited to 140 characters.

Twitter users who wish to participate in the debate can submit their questions by using the hashtag #Idontknowjack. Then on Tuesday night tune in for Congressman Kimble's answers.

While the game is opposite the major league all-star game, many of Congressman Kimble's supporters are in city's like Oakland and Kansas City. With the town hall only expected to last 30 minutes, this will allow baseball fans in those cities to participate and then turn on the game in time to see their team's token representative make his appearance as a pinch-hitter.


  1. so what's the compensation being offered for softball questions and positive mentions of Oil companies, the Koch brothers and the Chamber of commerce?

  2. Wait. What am I supposed to ask again?

    -Clarice from Titan's Temps
