
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jack Kimble Lands Game Changing Endorsement in Iowa

In this day and age, it's hard to call any endorsement a game changer, but the Kimble Campaign picked up about the biggest possible endorsement this week in Iowa when God the Almighty appeared to Jack Kimble and threw his support behind him in the Iowa Caucuses. God explained his support for Jack as being based on good old fashioned conservative family values and the 8-8-8 tax plan that Kimble has been championing. The Almighty told Congressman Kimble that he would have taken a hand in the campaign earlier, but had been busy establishing Tim Tebow as an NFL starting quarterback.

"Of course we look at this as a game changer," said Kimble, "God's endorsement is one that all of us have been hoping for. I know both Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann have been courting his support heavily and the fact he went with me says something about my plan to cut taxes and get the job creators going again as well as my call for old fashioned Christian values."

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