
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Congressman Kimble's Press Conference on His Marriage

I won't start in any particular spot.  This particular press conference is the hardest thing I have had to do in at least 3 or 4 years.   I guess to begin with, I have always had a love affair...actually that's a bad choice of words.  I have always loved Yosemite National Park.  It's one of nature's last frontiers and I have long looked forward to someday visiting the park.

So all those things I said about Yosemite were true, but they're not the whole story, and that's obviously why everybody's gathered here right now. So let me lay out that larger story that has attracted so many of you all here. I'm a bottom line kind of guy. I'll lay it out. It's gonna hurt, and we'll let the chips fall where they may. Yep, I'm going to be taking responsibility here. Oh yes, it's responsibility taking time right now.

In so doing, let me first of all apologize to my wife Keri, and our adopted daughter Ayn.  We may have adopted her to save our marriage, but the full responsibility for this breakup does not fall on her shoulders.

I would secondly say to Keri, anybody who has observed her over the last 26 or 27 years of my life knows how closely she has stood by my side in campaign after campaign after campaign and literally being my campaign manager and I hope that she will return to our home when she thinks things over.  I have no idea where she put my brown socks and we will be back in session very soon.

I would also apologize to my staff, because as much as I did talk about going to Yosemite, that was one of the original scenarios that I'd thrown out to Joe E. Lee, that isn't where I ended up. And so I let them down by creating a fiction with regard to where I was going, which means that I then in turn given as much as they relied on that information, let down people that I represent across this great district.

I've let down a lot of people. That's the bottom line. And I let them down and in every instance I would ask there forgiveness. Forgiveness is not an immediate process, it is in fact a process that takes time and I'll be in that process for quite some weeks and months and I suspect years ahead as I attempt to show my wife that I love her and that I am willing to buy incredibly expensive jewelry for her.  I truly believe she is my soul mate and I stand by everything I said about her in my eBook Profiles in Courageousness, available at better eBook stores and soon to be available in paperback this Summer. 

It would be very easy to blame the homosexual agenda for the disillusion of my marriage.  In Congress, I have spoken for sometime about just how damaging to our heterosexual marriages, allowing gay marriage would be.  Today, I am sadly living proof.  However, I know in my heart that God wants me to overcome this hurdle he has placed in my way and I will endeavor everyday to do just that by remaining true to the morals that have always been the bedrock of my life of public service.

My situation is one where I am unfortunately victim as well as guilty party.  The pictures that I sent of Yosemite were Photoshopped and they fooled most people, but it began to unravel when a Twitter user named @LitThom recognized one of the bears I claimed to be in a karate fight with and suspected Photoshop.

The sad truth, is that I spent the weekend at a Fairfield Inn in Akron, Ohio.   I had been lured there, but a woman who I believed I had been having a torrid online affair with on Club Penguin for the past 2 years.  She was a beautiful 22 year old woman who lived not far from my home district.   Unfortunately, I discovered this weekend through the course of several very long phone conversations that the girl that I knew as Lennay Kekua did not in fact exist, but was a hoax being played on me by a very disturbed individual named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo.

In retrospect, leaving my wife and daughter for a woman that I had never met, was one of the biggest mistakes I've made in some time.   It is my hope, that my wife will accept my failings as I accept hers and that she will take me back. I truly am a victim here, but with God's help, I will overcome and my family will become a shining city on the hill and together we will be a new Jerusalem.   Thank you.  Thank you very much.   Stay Free America!!

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