
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Representative Kimble to Host Forum on The Myth of Global Warming

I will be hosting a forum on May 14th at 7:00 PM at the Oakview Recreational Center on the myth of global warming entitled, "If This is Global Warming Then I Just Shoveled Some Sun Flakes." A brief slide show will be presented by The Reverend Dr. Ted Laramie author of the children's book, "I'm No Monkey."

The forum will provide families with the information they need to defend themselves against liberal lies about the supposedly changing climate including President Obama's cap and trade program which will put a tax of $63,000 on every man, woman, and child in the United States. Imagine a world where the government can tell you when you can turn on the lights or what television stations you can watch and when. I urge everybody who does not wish to live under such repressive conditions to attend. Cookies and punch will be served. The cost is free to the public.

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