
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Congressman Kimble Arrives in Madison for Counter Protest

Whoever came up with the weekend sure had the right idea. With the end of the work week thousands of hardworking Tea Party activists arrived in Wisconsin to counter protest the union rioters in Madison. They came from as far away as Virginia by by bus because above all, they believe in the importance of Wisconsin's fiscal stability. I felt myself very lucky to be among what I estimated to be about 100,000 counter protesters dwarfing the union protesters who were easily identifiable by their Wisconsin accents.

Governor Walker's attempts to broker a compromise with the unions, appear to have fallen on deaf ears as the unions have agreed to give in on salary and pension demands, but have stopped short of agreeing to dissolve their unions and go home.

This is a very hard time for corporations in the state. Nearly 1/3 are forced to pay taxes even though they all contribute to the state in various ways from giving moral support to sponsoring little league teams to donating to political candidates. It's a time for shared sacrifices and corporations are hurting too even as they are seeing record profits---only it's a suffering on the inside kind of thing that is less visible to people outside the company.

So what would make patriots make the long trek to Wisconsin to stand up to firemen union thugs and police union thugs? I asked this brave Tea Party activists for their motivation:

A machinist from Iron Gate, Virginia named Larry explained it to me this way, "I don't have a union. I make $8.50 an hour and when my thumb got cut off, I not only had to pay for it out of my own pocket, I couldn't leave work to do so until my shift was over. Why should these clowns get unions just because they're public workers?"

Gale, a housewife from Tappahannock, Virginia said, "These union thugs are getting rich off of our tax dollars---or at least the tax dollars of the people of Wisconsin."

John, who was actually from Wisconsin, drove to Madison from Kenosha himself. "I'm on disability, so I'm able to watch a lot of news programming and I can't believe the number of people expecting the government to take care of them for the rest of their life. The ones behind this are the ones in the middle east. They want to start a caliphate here too."

Sadly, I will have to leave tomorrow, but I intend to let my voice be heard today. To the people of Wisconsin, I urge you to get out there and counter this rebellion. If the people in Virginia care enough to fight fr your hard earned tax dollars, you should too.


  1. And I'm so very grateful that the commie Rachel Maddow was fooled into mentioning ChristWire on the air. The Lord works in mysterious ways, don't you forget it, Congressman!

  2. You realize that pics from Egypt? And no one's rioting in Madison right?

  3. A machinist from Iron Gate, Virginia named Larry explained it to me this way, "I don't have a union. I make $8.50 an hour and when my thumb got cut off, I not only had to pay for it out of my own pocket, I couldn't leave work to do so until my shift was over. Why should these clowns get unions just because they're public workers?"

    Thumbs off for underpaid, anti-union morons!

  4. You are a teaparty fraud. You can only win with lies and deception. SHAME. You realize, you are pure evil right?

  5. Are you the only Congressman on site, defending Wisconsin?

  6. And we are aware of all CFAV er, internet traditions.

  7. This isn't a joke? This is a real, elected representative typing this garbage?

    We're in worse shape than I thought.

  8. Check out his biography page. The picture of him in a Christmas sweeter. He looks like a homosexual. I'm pretty sure he is the next Larry Craig.
    Attn: Kimble. On your way back from Wisconsin do not stop at the Minneapolis Airport Bathroom

  9. What M. said.
    Tho I'm leaning towards dedicated joke, still.

  10. "I felt myself very lucky to be among what I estimated to be about 100,000 counter protesters dwarfing the union protesters who were easily identifiable by their Wisconsin accents."

    Apparently you don't estimate very well, considering the total amount of folks doing any kind of protesting in Madison was around 80,000 at most.

  11. The only thing missing in the photo are the palm trees.
