
Friday, February 18, 2011

Congressman Kimble on Wisconsin Union Riots

My Friends,

I find myself becoming increasing alarmed by the rioting in Wisconsin this week. These people in Madison do not represent most of the people of the state regardless of what polls may say. The hearts of the people of Wisconsin are with the Tea Partiers on the bus from Virginia to come counter protest.

It bothers me that it has become so confrontational when this is really a simple economics issue. Everybody was thrilled when Scott Walker cut corporate taxes, but now comes the time to pay for those cuts and unfortunately it calls for shared sacrifice. Nobody likes to have their salary cut or their union crushed, but it's that spirit of all for one and one for all that has made our country great.

Word is that the rioters have agreed to make all the pay concessions the Governor is asking as long as he leaves their collective bargaining rights alone, but the problem is that collective bargaining inevitably costs employers money. When child labor was outlawed, businesses lost a valuable commodity as small children could fit their hands into machinery to unclog it in tight places where an adult hand could never reach. What has the 40 hour work week done except to give the American worker more time off from work, which requires him to spend more money. It becomes a vicious cycle as employees are forced to foot the bell for giant televisions, air conditioning, and indoor plumbing.

As you may know, I am on the executive board of Last Stand For Children First ( I see that many of these protesters are teachers who are complaining that they will need to take second jobs. I can't think of anything more valuable that they could bring to their students than the life experience of outside work. Also, if you are frying your students' burgers, welcoming them to Wal-Mart, or taking their tickets at the movie theatre, it would give students a great chance to get to know their teachers in another setting.

Everybody wants something for nothing and we all were thrilled to see corporate tax rates drop around the country. When I heard that the income of the upper class exploded in the past decade, nobody was more thrilled than I was, but now comes the time to pay the piper. We all need to sacrifice and even union members must do their fair share. I hope that Governor Walker (or as I like to call him Moobarak), will continue to stand tall for the people of Wisconsin and the people from Virginia coming to protest.

NOTE: Some have pointed to the presence of Arabic writing in the photo. It is well known that Wisconsin has a very strong Arab influence so this is not uncommon. The Milwaukee Bucks of the NBA played in the MECCA Arena for 20 years.


  1. Congressman Kimble, I know the conservative talking point is that there's "rioting" in Madison, Wisconsin, but the reality is much different than your talking points. In fact, the Madison Chief of Police, Noble Wray, said of the protests, "The Madison Police Department (MPD) is proud of the way protesters have conducted themselves, and Chief Noble Wray hopes all will continue to exercise civility and decorum."

    Try to get your facts straight.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. LOL u are soooo mental!!!

  4. No disrespect, but instead of using an image that was taken in an Arabic country (lettering on the stores) in mid January for the Boston Globe, wouldn't it have been better to use a picture of the Wisconsin that I visit when I come to see my boyfriend? Or was your webmaster trying to create a false impression?

  5. He's not really a congressman, right? And how do you cut education funding when morons still vote for morons.

  6. What a Douche..Nice face by the way.. If my dog had a face like yours Congressman I would shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards.

  7. Maybe you should take a second job, Congressman. Imagine the valuable real-life experience you could bring to your decision-making when it comes to working people in your state. I hear McDonald's is hiring floor sweepers.

    Pegleg Peggy

  8. In all honestly, partisanship aside, can you explain why there is Arabic writing in this photo? Where exactly in Madison was it taken?
    Please provide google street view address.

    You know you are under a national media spotlight at the moment.

    As a simple factual question, what percentage of teachers and union members directly benefited from the corporate tax cuts? What percentage of them supported the tax cuts as you claim?

  9. Congressman, How do you sleep at night when you post this propaganda?

  10. Stand strong, Congressman! As you so wonderfully point out, unions are all about taking money from the employers and forcing them to share if fairly with their employees. What the heck kind of America is that?

  11. I seriously thought this was a joke. "The hearts of the people of Wisconsin are with the Tea Partiers on the bus from Virginia to come counter protest." Huh?? Is he clueless? And everyone was relieved when corporate tax cuts went through?? Wow! Who elected this guy? Maybe there should be a recall?

  12. Very misleading post, sir. I'm not sure if you have spent any time in Madison this past week, but as a news maker for a local Madison outfit, I sure have. And I can tell you that "rioting" is flat out wrong. As Zach W. mentioned, even Madison's Chief of Police is impressed by how well things have been handled. And so am I.
    I would like you to clarify something, however. When you say, "when child labor was outlawed, businesses lost a valuable commodity as small children could fit their hands into machinery to unclog it in tight places where an adult hand could never reach" are you suggesting that child labor should be legalized?
    Oh, and you're not fooling anyone with that photo. Even if it is Wisconsin, that is NOT Madison. I know my city, and that photo was not taken in it.

  13. This sentence here is a problem: "These people in Madison do not represent most of the people of the state regardless of what polls may say."

    Like it or not, those "polls" you refer to are what you are supposed to be listening to when you draw up bills. Scott Walker is NOT listening to his people; my people. This is what democracy was founded on.

    Additionally, exactly what riots are you referring to? When? Where? As far as I know, there have only been peaceful protests. Stop trying to show these people in a bad light and try representing the PEOPLE...not your own interests.

  14. Bwahahahahahahahahaha......


  15. You're a liar, using images unrelated to Madison topic. It's pathetic, even for a practiced propagandist. Indeed, the demonstrations in WI have been an model of civility.

    You are the perfect serviceable villain for a corrupt political system. Do have shame at all?

  16. You may be from olive-country, Congressman Kimble, but you speak just like a cheddar-head.

  17. What the previous poster should have said is that you have a brain made of cheese. Swiss cheese.

  18. I really do hate what Walker is trying to do, but that is no reason for us to lose our sense of humor...c'mon now folks repeat after me:
    "oh I get it, this is a joke!! LOL!"
    Dont EVER let the bastards get you down!!!!!

  19. This is so shameful. WE ALL STAND with the hard working people of Wisconsin fighting for their rights in Madison!
